David Smith’s NEW Online Workshops
We have the pleasure of introducing you to Dave Smith’s new online workshops!
Dave has been a client and friend of ours for many years, and he is a true master of his craft. You don’t get awarded an MBE for nothing!
Based in Torquay, Devon, Dave is an extraordinary gilder, sign artist and designer, and over the years he has built up a great wealth of experience and knowledge that he would love to share with anyone interested in learning this craft.
Learn more about him, we invite you to visit the following link: https://davidadriansmith.com/about-david-a-smith/

In his pursuit to keep the craft alive and accessible to all, Dave has made the move of transitioning from in-person workshops to online workshops. He’s taking his wealth of knowledge, his impeccable skills, and his infectious passion, and packaging it all into an exciting online learning experience.
Dave has been delivering in-person workshops for very many years and we couldn’t even guess how many artists he has steered and supported on their journey to becoming fully-fledged sign artists during this time.
He will still run face-to-face workshops but maybe less frequently due to other creative commitments he has, and the online version will make his teaching more accessible to glass artists and sign craftspeople all over the globe. He has spent considerable time over the past couple of years developing and creating his online workshops behind the scenes so that new or experienced sign artists and craftspeople can have access to learning this wonderful craft.
The first online gilding course from David A Smith
Let us welcome you to Dave’s new online course “An Introduction to Glass Gilding Techniques”.

This workshop series is a true treasure trove of knowledge that has been gathered over decades of dedicated practice. With over 50 hours of video explanations, Dave will be your trusted guide, taking you through various fascinating processes and techniques.
As part of the course, you will receive a carefully selected list of recommended suppliers. Whether it’s stands, easels, brushes, abalone shells, gold leaf, gilded cushions, knives or paints, you’ll be covered. In fact, we are one of those reliable suppliers ourselves!

Now, let us talk about the flexibility and freedom you’ll have throughout this course. With 18 different methods of water gilding to choose from, you’ll have the opportunity to explore and experiment with various approaches and learn from scratch or build from existing skills that you already have. You can be a complete novice or just want to add to your skill set, the comprehensive online course, once purchased, will be yours forever to watch many times or dip into as you wish. Dave understands that each artist has their own unique style and preferences, so he encourages you to find the method that resonates with you the most.

To access the course, please visit the website of David Adrian Smith and enrol today! https://davidadriansmith.com/gilding-course-an-introduction-to-glass-gilding/

“A true master of his craft! Dave has an incredible depth of knowledge and an amazing skill set. It’s rare in this day and age to find someone with such a skill set that crosses multi-design disciplines and who’s down to earth and willing to share his secrets.”
– Will Lynes, Sydney, Australia
“High-value insights gained that were so much more than expected and have had an immediate impact on my business.”
– Scott Martin, Canada