This week we have a very special project to showcase with all the details and pictures very kindly provided to us by Danni Bradford. Danni has recently collaborated with Ellie Miller, the only professional female surfboard maker in Europe, to create a one-off, limited edition 24 carat gilt surfboard!

Danni and Ellie collaborated to create LUX surfboards in order to explore the gap between art and functionality. As well as gaining admiration for their aesthetic beauty and eye-catching elegance LUX surfboards also gain recognition for their craftsmanship and performance as contemporary wave riding craft. The board itself was inspired by the iconic single fin shape of the 1970’s. The board named “The Aureus” is the first in a short series of one off limited edition surfboards celebrating a rich surf heritage, so watch this space!

The use of our 24 carat leaf in this board marks a first in surfboard construction techniques. The gold is striking yet elegant giving the board a polished and classy look.
The use of gold throughout the construction of Aureus enhances the subtle wave of the fibreglass and imbues the curves of the board with a delicate luminosity. We can’t wait to see the rest of the series. To see more of Ellie’s custom-made boards under her “Miller Surfboards” label then you can visit her website at millersurfboards.co.uk
From the Large to the Little!

Danni Bradford is an artist, gilder and surface designer specialising in verre eglomise (the reverse gilding of glass). She produces bespoke decorative and functional pieces from her north Devon studio. You can find out more and view her extensive and impressive range of work at dannibradford.com We particularly love Danni’s intricate 24 carat gold skeleton leaf. As said by her – one of the smallest pieces she has ever gilded! We’re sure quite a difference from gilding a surfboard.
We love supplying to Danni and enjoy her versatility and individual range. We cant wait to see what she comes up with in the future!