Currently showing in Gallery Thirty Three in Wanaka is Kate Alterio’s latest collection – Walk Between Worlds. This collection consists of 10 pieces, each one brought to life through countless hours of work – including hand-painting and gilding. ‘Beneath It All We Are Dancing’ contains over 721 individual elements, each of which were painted with 7 coats and ‘Hum’ contains 721 individual elements, all of which were gold-leafed by hand. The meticulous process of creating these pieces of the greater whole is described as being an ‘…opportunity for meditative practice, calling for presence, focus, care and patience.’. The process and attention to detail of this process is imbued into works, giving them a life and energy that is more than the sum of their parts.
You can see more of Kate’s work at her website here – katealterio.co.nz

Beneath It All We Are Dancing

Close-up Detail of Beneath It All We Are Dancing

Beyond These Walls

Each Breath Brings Us Closer
