“An exhibition of large paper sculptures sprouting from the walls and floor of the gallery. The coloured skin like surfaces explain the ‘Slight Bruising’ of the title. Some have burst and peeled open, spread like giant butterfly shapes or elephants ears, either pinned or floating free. The free standing works have either split like seed pods and opened offering sheltered recesses, or are tightly closed like standing stones with deep folds or fissures revealing glimpses of contrasting colour within.” Harriet does the most amazing work with paper, which you normally wouldn’t associate with art, turning it into unique and intricate sculptures. If you’re interested in seeing her work then visit: Centerspace Galley, 6 Leonard Lane, Bristol, BS1 1EA between 27th March and 3rd April. Opening hours are 10am-5pm daily Everyone here at Gold Leaf Supplies wishes Harriet the best of luck with her new exhibition!